Monthly Archives: May 2023

Lemon, Soy & Tahini Dressing

Tahini Lemon Dressing


I have always loved this tangy, salty, creamy sauce!  Using miso, sesame flour, and soy milk I have managed to significantly reduce the fat in this more-ish sauce.  A little goes a long way, this really packs a punch!

Lemon, Soy & Tahini Dressing
Prep time
Total time
Serves: 8
  • 6 tablespoons lemon juice
  • 2 tablespoons tahini (preferably Al Kanater)
  • 1 tablespoon sesame flour
  • 1 tablespoon date syrup
  • 2 tablespoons white miso paste
  • 3 tablespoons reduced sodium soy sauce
  • 4 tablespoons soy milk
  1. Put all ingredients in to a blender and blend thoroughly until creamy and thickened. (or wisk together in a bowl).


Sweet Potato Chocolate Ganache

sweet potato

sweet potato chocolate pudding

Having seen the idea on lots of other blogs (most recently Broccoli Mum’s YouTube channel) I decided to have a go at making this “pudding” and I added a couple of other ingredients.  I renamed it as it’s amazingly like a rich chocolate ganache, so much so that you can’t eat very much in one go, I have a tiny ramekin which is about 2-3 tablespoons and that is plenty but really satisfies that desire for a sweet treat.  Will last in the fridge for several days.

Sweet Potato Chocolate Ganache
Prep time
Total time
Recipe type: Dessert
Cuisine: Sweet Potato Chocolate Ganache
  • 1 large orange sweet potato, baked until very soft and caramelised
  • 3 tablespoons cacao powder (I used Pana)
  • 2 tablespoons PB2 powder
  • 1 tsp natural vanilla extract
  • 1 tablespoon maple syrup (optional - depends on how sweet the potato is)
  • splash of soy milk (amount will depend on size of potato used) to get blender going
  • optional: 1 dropper of liquid stevia caramel or toffee flavour
  1. Put all ingredients into food processor or blender and blend several times, scraping down the sides between each blitz, until you achieve that thick smooth texture.
  2. Also works very well as frosting for a special occasion cake. 🙂


Vegan “Egg” Salad

vegan egg salad

When on holiday back in the UK last year I came across a vegan “egg” salad sandwich in Marks & Spencers.. needless to say I had to try it!  It was so good and realistic that I snapped a photo of the ingredients and decided I would try and copycat it, making any necessary replacements when I got back here.  It uses cannellini beans and tofu as the egg replacement.  I had just created my vegan mayo so this was the perfect addition for a sandwich.  The recent royal coronation was a perfect opportunity to try it out.  It has been very well received by vegans and non-vegans! 🙂

Vegan "Egg" Salad
Prep time
Total time
Creamy mayo with mashed white beans, tofu, onion and parsley. If you can find (or grow) cress that would be perfect!
Recipe type: Sandwich filler
Cuisine: English
Serves: 4-6 sandwiches
  • 400g can cannellini beans drained
  • 3-4 tbsp my tofu mayonnaise
  • (If not using my mayo add ½ teaspoon black salt for that eggy aroma)
  • 200g Macro medium firm silken tofu
  • 2 tsp Dijon mustard
  • 2 spring onions (scallions) trimmed and very finely sliced
  • 1 tablespoon finely sliced fresh parsley (or cress if you have it)
  • 1 tsp salt or to taste
  • black pepper to taste
  1. Mash the drained beans in a large flat bottomed bowl with a fork or masher until no whole beans are left. Crumble in the tofu gently into large pieces. Add the mustard, onion, parsley, seasoning.
  2. Add the mayo and stir gently until all well combined